Project Focus
Partner: Himalayan Cataract Project
Partner: IBEKA
Partner: ICDDRB
Partner: iDE-Cambodia
Partner: iDE-Ethiopia
Partner: iDE-Ghana
Partner: iDE-India
Partner: iDE-Myanmar
Partner: Joint Venture Silicon Valley
Partner: Kheyti
Partner: Kigali Farm
Partner: Kiwa Life
Partner: Lifebox
Partner: LifeMoves
Partner: Light Up the World
Partner: MASS Design
Partner: Medicine Mondiale
Partner: Miraclefeet
Partner: Modroof
Partner: Mountain Hazelnuts Venture
Partner: MyAgro
Partner: Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital
Partner: Noora Health
Partner: NURU International
Partner: OffGrid Electric
Partner: PATH South Africa
Partner: Project Healthy Children
Partner: Prosthetics Center
Partner: Proximity Designs
Partner: Rare
Partner: Recidiviz
Partner: ReSurge International
Partner: San Francisco Foundation
Partner: Sanku
Partner: SEED
Partner: Shonaquip
Partner: Sierra Ventana Clinics
Partner: Sistemabio
Partner: SmileTrain
Partner: Splash
Partner: Sustainable Harvest International
Partner: TechnoServe Cote d'Ivoire
Partner: TechnoServe Mozambique
Partner: The Better Lab
Partner: Tuason Development Foundation Inc
Partner: Uncommon Cacao
Partner: WARC
Partner: White Mountain Apache Tribe
Partner: X-Runner
Partner: East Oakland Youth Development Center
Partner: Ecumenical Hunger Program
Partner: Mountain View Day Workers Center
Partner: Open Source Wellness
Partner: Pivotal Now
Partner: Stiles Hall
Partner: Valley Verde
Partner: WeHope
Year: 2007
Year: 2008
Year: 2009
Year: 2010
Year: 2011
Year: 2012
Year: 2013
Year: 2014
Year: 2015
Year: 2016
Year: 2017
Year: 2018
Year: 2019
Year: 2019
Year: 2020
Year: 2021
Year: 2022
Post Extreme Lab
Post-Extreme Lab: Design Lab
Post-Extreme Lab: Social E Lab
Ignite InnovationsanemptytextllineHigh quality, inexpensive solar-rechargeable LED light.
Cash CropperanemptytextllineCash Croppers identified hydroponics as a technology that can enable poor rural farmers to grow more crops while using substantially less water, fertilizer and land.
Agua Para VidaanemptytextllineAgua Para Vida created a sustainable system for drinking water purification in the developing world.
Water DropanemptytextllineWater Drop designed an inexpensive water storage bag to replace more expensive water storage drums in India.
RADDesignanemptytextllineRADDesign developed a personal synthetic aquifer system with a pump to improve the lives of rural farmers in India.
plan banemptytextllinePlan b designed a mechanical repair product and comprehensive service model that will guarantee the reliability of water storage bags for IDE in India.
Oasis SystemsanemptytextllineThe Water-Jogger, designed for use in Myanmar, is a steel framed cart capable of carrying over three hundred pounds of water in existing modular storage containers.
MELDanemptytextllineMELD’s mission is to address three of India's problems: pollution, unemployment and the unavailability of cheap materials to design products for the rural poor.
H2GoanemptytextllineH2Go developed a new water pump to use in rural India.
Gas TrappersanemptytextllineGas Trapper created a simplified and streamlined process for building a greenhouse structure for use in rural India.
PrymedanemptytextllinePrymed developed The Water Basket: an affordable, portable, ready-to-use water storage system that eases the physical burden of farmers in Myanmar and enables them to more efficiently water their crops.
Under PressureanemptytextllineUnder Pressure developed a new pressure treadle pump that not only draws water up from the ground, but also expels it with pressure.
ReFrame Tripod PumpanemptytextllineReFrame developed a new tripod frame to house IDE's treadle pump. The new design lowered the cost of the frame while retaining much of the convenience and simplicity of the current off-the-shelf solution.
d.lightanemptytextllineD.light offers a high quality, inexpensive, solar-rechargeable LED light.
PumperNickelanemptytextllinePumperNickel designed two new plastic pumps for IDE Myanmar.
Cubs In TraininganemptytextllineCubs-in-Training is a new program to engage students in Bangladesh to practice new learnings in the teacher's absence.
TomoanemptytextllineFarmers in Myanmar spend up to eight hours per day watering subplots of their farmland. Our iTower reduces the time and cost involved with drip irrigation.
LifeRaftanemptytextllineA $625 infant incubator with electronic temperature control, built to meet the specific needs of Nepal.
Si No DejananemptytextllineDiabetes Management Through Psychosocial Support - The Si Nos Dejan solution is designed specifically for women affected by diabetes in Higueras, a rural town in Mexico.
m.katanemptytextllineOf the 4 million infant deaths that happen each year, 99% occur in developing countries. Infant incubators are not prevalent in Nepal because distribution is challenging.
EMPoweranemptytextllineThe Learning Light is an affordable LED lamp powered by solar-charged AA batteries. It is a complete energy solution, providing everything our user needs: energy generation, energy storage and energy service.
Casa MexicanaanemptytextllineIn rural areas of Mexico, women are the sole caregivers of their homes and spend a good portion of their days cooking.
InfinicananemptytextllineRural, dollar-a-day, small plot farmers in Myanmar currently spend most of their day irrigating their land manually.
RespiraanemptytextllineAn asthma spacer made out of a single, folded sheet of paper.
EmbraceanemptytextllineEmbrace is a social enterprise that aims to help millions of vulnerable babies through a low cost infant warmer, designed for a resource constrained area with limited or no electricity.
Deep Lift PumpanemptytextllineAn inexpensive treadle pump that lifts water beyond the suction limit (10 meters).
infLoWanemptytextllineThrough a newly developed presentation system for Ag Extension workers, infLoW aims to tap small farmers into the business system in Myanmar to improve the profitability of their businesses.
ChairLiftanemptytextllineEthiopia’s wheelchair users are currently unable to use public transportation, greatly limiting their mobility and the opportunities available to them.
The RainmakeranemptytextllineOur team has created an affordable, ergonomic hand-held sheller made from steel pipe that has teeth for removing intact corn kernels through a twisting motion
KneeDanemptytextllineKneeD provides an improved knee that advances the functionality, durability, and repairability of the “single-axis” knee.
Packrat Solar DryeranemptytextllineThe Packrat Solar Dryer is a cheap, effective and fully collapsible solar food dryer
H2Whoa!anemptytextllineTeam H2Whoa! has developed a new rope and washer pump that reduces the cost of manufacturing the pump down to $50 while also improving pump performance.
FunbilityanemptytextllineIn order to grow and develop normally, kids have to interact with peers and have fun.
Design in HeatanemptytextllineThe Myanmar Stove is designed with four main components, each with features that contribute to the technical and cultural appeal of our product.
Mighty MitadanemptytextllineEnchancement device for mitad (Ethopian cooking surface)
DriptechanemptytextllineExtremely affordable, water efficient irrigation solution for small-plot farmers
Thresh ThinkinganemptytextllineAn affordable, portable rice thresher.
Need Water?anemptytextllineThe APP (Affordable Pressure Pump) offers poor dry-season farmers in Myanmar the convenience, safety, and flexibility of a Pressure Pump at the cost of a Suction Pump.
EnRICHanemptytextllineEnRICH has developed a unique system to fortify grains at the local mill level.
ZinganemptytextllineZing offers a way to bring the benefits of fortification to the small-scale miller through an add-on device that can accurately mix micronutrients into milled flours.
ModuloOneanemptytextllineThe ModPod energy storage system allows low‐income Indian consumers to meet their energy needs today.
fuel.danemptytextllinefuel.d developed a stove that saves families 50% or more of their fuel expense.
Footprint MicrofuelanemptytextllineFootprint Microfuel is a system for fuel production that allows Ethiopian entrepreneurs to transform readily available biomass and agriculture waste into fuel pellets.
DrinkWellanemptytextllineDrinkWell delivers critical nutrients to rural families by reaching them at the water pumps they visit each day.
Sanku (Amaize)anemptytextllineThe Sanku (formerly called Amaize) is a simple device for electric millers in Nepal that proportionately dispenses nutrients into grain that is both affordable and accurate.
Pepper EateranemptytextllineA small-scale pepper grinder that crushes dried, whole red peppers into small flakes
AngazaanemptytextllineEmbedded Pay-As-You-Go technology that makes high-quality solar energy solutions immediately affordable to rural, off-grid consumers
iNutanemptytextllineThe iNut device allows women in rural Indonesia to process candlenuts with less physical effort and time than the tool commonly used today.
Drill-ThroughanemptytextllineTeam Drill-Through has created a "Drill-Through Kit" that combines significantly improved manual well-drilling equipment with an innovative partnership model.
PharosanemptytextllinePharos is a low-cost, easy-to-use device for community health workers to reliably detect neonatal jaundice in rural India.
Last Mile MyanmaranemptytextllineLast Mile Myanmar has developed a portfolio of marketing solutions to impact the adoption of income generating products by farmers in the developing world.
StackJackanemptytextllineThe StackJack team has partnered with Hydrologic/IDE-Cambodia to develop a school-based water purification system.
CycloDrillanemptytextllineTeam CycloDrill proposes a market-driven approach to poverty by developing an affordable well drilling kit designed for vocational students to start businesses.
Illuminate for Life (Brilliance)anemptytextllineA portable, affordable solution that will unite infants with their mothers during phototherapy treatment.
The Easy Steam MachineanemptytextllineThe Easy Steam Machine is a boiler system that reduces distillation time from 3 hours to 3 minutes.
SafianemptytextllineAffordable all natural sanitizer for both hands and surfaces in homes
Fertiloo (re.source)anemptytextllineThe Fertiloo is an affordable compost latrine that provides rural families a safe and easy way to contain their human waste and use it as fertilizer for crops.
GOOD PADd.YanemptytextllineGOOD PADd.Y has designed a set of scalable, community-based services that help rice farmers boost their yields.
FlexiTangkianemptytextllineFlexiTangki is an all-in-one rainwater catchment and storage device designed for the islanders of Nusa Penida, Indonesia.
Tribal Farm Welcome CenteranemptytextllineThe Tribal Farm Welcome Center provides comfort, community, and learning opportunities to visitors of the White Mountain Apache Tribe farm.
inspireanemptytextllineAn oxygen tank-independent ventilatory assist device for combating pediatric pneumonia.
N'dee Bikiyaa GreenhouseanemptytextllineEnergy efficient greenhouse
SmartNetanemptytextllineAffordable protection from mosquito-borne diseases
Rice RunneranemptytextllineFertilizer Pellet Applicator for Rice Farming
EZPZanemptytextllineMaking sanitation pay for subsistence farmers.
CaregiveranemptytextllineOur Caregiver device eliminates the “pump” from infusion pumps to create an ultra low-power, low-cost device.
AdaptAiranemptytextllineAn affordable, one-size-fits-all nasal interface for pediatric pneumonia patients.
CropScoutanemptytextllineCropScout is an innovative solution that helps small farmers correctly identify pests and diseases on their valuable market crops.
Pilão-PlusanemptytextllineThe Pilão-Plus is a manual grain grinder designed to help rural Mozambican families process maize, their staple food, cheaply and conveniently.
miraclefeet braceanemptytextllineThe miraclefeet brace is a low-cost (
Clubfoot ConnectanemptytextllineClubfoot Connect empowers parents in developing countries to heal their child’s clubfoot – a congenital deformity affecting children's feet.
Seed ShieldanemptytextllineThe Seed Shield System gives rural farmers a reliable and effective way to store their seeds post-harvest.
AyaPumpanemptytextllineThe AyaPump provides smallholder farmers in rural Ghana an easy and affordable way to water their crops during the dry season.
MoMaanemptytextllineMoagem Maravilha (MoMa) reinvents the essential but painfully inefficient maize mill service in rural Mozambique.
Noora HealthanemptytextllineOver 2.4 million nurses are needed to meet India’s current healthcare needs.
FLOWanemptytextllineFLOW dramatically reduces the cost of drip irrigation, liberating the poorest Burmese farmers from the backbreaking task of watering crops by hand.
heartMAPanemptytextllineheartMAP is a simple medication adherence program designed to help low-literacy patients manage heart disease.
SecaCafeanemptytextllineSECACAFÉ provides small-holder farmers in Colombia a controlled, reliable, and affordable way to dry coffee beans on their farms under all weather conditions.
RoofwandaanemptytextllineRoofwanda is dedicated to providing income-generating opportunities and sustainable roofing to Rwandans.
Landy ProanemptytextllineLandy Pro has developed CPALI 2.0, a suite of solutions to help increase cocoon and textile production in Madagascar.
Pelle BongoanemptytextllinePelle Cobra gives Ivorian cocoa farmers a faster, safer, and more ergonomic way to split cocoa pods.
CopoweranemptytextllineCopower can radically increase rural entrepreneurs’ incomes through a low cost solar charger that provides them a profitable business.
EarthEnableanemptytextllineEarthEnable's mission is to provide healthy and affordable floors to the 80% of Rwandans who can only afford to have a dirt floor in their home.
Chimi ChimianemptytextllineTeam Chimi-Chimi helps Ghanaian cassava farmers increase their income and live healthier lives.
CathalystanemptytextllineIn Haiti, the devastation caused by the 2010 earthquake is still present in destroyed buildings, damaged roads, and residents left permanently disabled.
Cassava AppealanemptytextllineIvorian cooperatives need a fast and cost-effective way to peel cassava.
Calidad CompadreanemptytextllineA way for small holder coffee farmers to test coffee quality as it ferments (so they can control the quality and ensure good prices, especially with specialty coffee roasters and distributors)
SolFloanemptytextllineSolFlo enables small plot farmers in Myanmar to pump groundwater for irrigation without burdensome costs for fuel or hired labor.
HandHeroanemptytextllineThe HandHero splint gives burn survivors with hand injuries an affordable and practical way to rebuild function and rejoin their community.
Real SkinanemptytextllineREAL SKIN aims to design an innovative and affordable solution enabling surgical teams in Nepal to more effectively treat acute burn patients.
SuperSemoiranemptytextllineThe SuperSemoir is a device that enables farmers to plant and fertilize seed simultaneously.
d.shaanemptytextllined.sha helps farmers in rural India break the harmful practice of flood irrigating vegetable crops, and guides them to irrigate more efficiently.
DiscoverDripanemptytextllineThe DiscoverDrip Demo Kit is a demonstration tool created for Driptech, a company that produces low-cost, high-quality drip irrigation systems for small-plot farmers.
StreamlineanemptytextllineThe Streamline Kit identifies pregnant women with a high risk of preeclampsia, a leading cause of maternal death in South Africa.
CocoBiteanemptytextllineWomen in Eastern Nicaragua need increased market access and income opportunities.
The Embers ProjectanemptytextllineThe Embers Project fills in the missing link between burn victims in rural Nepal and the disparate organizations that can provide care to them.
LimeDropanemptytextllineLimedrop puts sanitation in the hands of Cambodians by dispensing the perfect amount of calcium carbonate after every latrine use, preventing diarrheal illness.
Extreme AwarenessanemptytextllineCooking fires and oil heaters make Nepal the global epicenter for severe burns, which claim over 2,000 lives annually in Nepal alone.
Precise RiseanemptytextllineThe Precise Rice direct seeding tool brings seed planting precision to Burmese rice farmers.
lifeRAFTanemptytextllinelifeRAFT is a research and follow-up tool that allows ReSurge clinicians in Nepal to more easily keep in touch with surgical patients through their recovery process.
HealyxanemptytextllineHealyx enables patients with severe wounds to heal faster and leave hospitals sooner.
demo.looanemptytextllineThe demo.loo is a demonstration toilet that will help to scale safe sanitation in the urban slums of Lima, Peru.
d.feet clubfootanemptytextllined.feet clubfoot delivers high quality, interactive medical training that prepares rural health care providers to treat children crippled by clubfoot.
d.hydrateanemptytextllined.hydrate provides a solution for rural farmers in Bhutan to protect their hazelnut crops from mold.
d.huskanemptytextllineThe d.Husk gives Bhutanese farmers a cost-effective and speedy way to process their new cash crop - hazelnuts.
Ecofiltro ManufacturinganemptytextllineEcofiltro helps Guatemalans achieve better health through strengthening access to clean water by selling affordable ceramic water filters.
EcoPathosanemptytextllineTeam EcoPathos has designed a structured set of interventions to help our partner Ecofiltro scale its distribution of water filters in rural markets.
SankuanemptytextllineSanku partners with millers to fortify maize flour, a staple of Tanzanian diet, with necessary micronutrients to prevent stunting and a host of associated diseases.
EarthGrowanemptytextllineEarthGrow gives Rwandan farming cooperatives a reliable and readily accessible structure for mushroom growing.
LunoanemptytextllineTeam Luno is working to establish a soft-shell crab farming industry on the southern Philippines island of Mindanao.
Pirani ToolsanemptytextllinePirani Tools provide a clear and accurate measurement of deformity in a child's clubbed feet.
d.burn.danemptytextllineOur mission is to save the lives of Nepali people who unnecessarily die or suffer from debilitating burn injuries.
ReSearchanemptytextllineReSearch is a mobile tool that allows surgeons in low and middle income countries to track their patients' data longitudinally.
D.Lishanemptytextllined.Lish is a suite of solutions designed to de-risk oyster mushroom farming for low-income individuals and cooperatives in Rwanda.
Lala2anemptytextllineDesigned with the caregiver in mind, ShonaHold is a positioning tool that delivers high-quality postural care for children with physical disability in southern Africa.
d.WORMSanemptytextllined.WORMS provides opportunity for underemployed men and women in the Mindanao region of the Philippines to supplement their income through the production of organic vermicompost.
Super HablaanemptytextllineSuper Habla is a cleft-specific speech therapy program designed for use at home by parents with their child after cleft-repair surgery.
KheytianemptytextllineA two-step solution targeting small farmers in India who seek to expand their crop yields.
HubCapanemptytextllineA device that drastically improves heat retention in traditional Mongolian gers (homes).
ExpanshonaanemptytextllineA tool for the directors of Shonaquip, to standardize, streamline, and supercharge their approach to international expansion.
Team SmileTrainanemptytextllineA training program that empowers cleft care nurses and supplements their clinical skills in SmileTrain partner hospitals around the world.
Condor CosechadoranemptytextllineA device that reduces harvesting cost and increases yield for native Andean potato farmers.
BeetniksanemptytextllineA method for improving Kiwa Life's expensive beetroot chip production process for scaling.
The Tamping QueenanemptytextllineA foot-powered compacting tool designed to allow Rwandans still living on dirt floors to create a healthier living space.
Cacao Kab'lanemptytextllineA tray and rack system which reduces mold growth to help farmers in Belize dry cacao.
KukuaanemptytextllineA solar powered egg incubator for small-scale chicken farmers in Tanzania.
ShonaStandanemptytextllineA therapeutic device that allows for standing therapy for children aged 1-6 with cerebral palsy.
CleanKitanemptytextllineAn educational toolbox designed for scale in a train-the-trainer model to protect patients by bringing education in sterile processing where it is needed most.
ReadyChillanemptytextllineA solar-powered, flat-packable refrigerator designed for use by small and medium-sized business owners in sub-saharan Africa.
GukomezaanemptytextllineA method for varnishing earthen floors (an affordable alternative to expensive concrete floors).
ScopianemptytextllineA diagnostic medical device for use by speech therapists to view and diagnose structural defects that cause speech problems for children in developing countries.
Sand.trifugeanemptytextllineBy adapting “the paperfuge” -- a novel take on centrifugation -- we have created a scientific test that can ensure the quality of sand for earthen floors (an affordable alternative to expensive concrete floors).
Happy HandsanemptytextllineA low-cost collapsible hand washing station that is designed for both teachers and students in Kolkata schools lacking sufficient space and infrastructure.
MedicarroanemptytextllineMedicarro provides fast and reliable emergency care to expectant mothers in Cerrito, a remote, indigenous community in Paraguay.
Frost.danemptytextllineAn affordable, energy efficient ice-storage solution for small ice-selling businesses in the Philippines.
SmartSmileanemptytextllineA small electronic device that fits on a facemask for children with cleft palate. This device helps tracks the face mask usage, eliminates the black box of information between orthodontists and patients, and improves outcomes.
FortunaanemptytextllineFortuna containers feature efficient insulation, expandable dimensions, and a customized fit to keep fish fresh and ensure higher incomes for hardworking fishing families.
MotoVaianemptytextllineA simple wooden cart that attaches to the back of a motorcycle. It is designed for use by small middlemen in Brazil who transport mud crabs from mangrove to market. MotoVai will enable the small middlmen to quadruple the number of mud crabs they can transport, significantly increasing their earning potential.
AmpersandanemptytextllineAn electric motorcycle startup looking to revolutionize motorcycle transportation in East Africa, starting with Kigali’s 30,000 motorcycle drivers. Ampersand’s battery swap model would allow drivers to almost triple their daily income by lowering maintenance costs and using electricity instead of gasoline while producing 75% less greenhouse emissions.
SkincubatEDanemptytextllineA newborn health education kit to encourage kangaroo care in mothers of low birthweight babies in India. It includes both in-hospital and take-home training materials which expand mothers’ options for carrying their baby during kangaroo care and reinforce healthy behavior.
HearthanemptytextllineA 'do-it-yourself' (DIY) 'fireless cooker' designed to be used with large Ghanaian cast aluminum pots. Hearth reduces the amount of firewood required to boil palm fruits or the time and effort needed to collect them from nearby forests, ultimately leading to better livelihoods for the Ghanian women and their families.
MiracalanemptytextllineA simple, innovative and cost-effective tool to diffuse information about clubfoot treatment. It conveys information about what clubfoot is and how to access MiracleFeet clinics to both literate and non-literate populations.
CountOnanemptytextllineA reusable, low-cost linen gauze-sorting caddy that helps Ethiopian surgical nurses separate and count used pieces of gauze at the end of a surgery—catalyzing a lifesaving practice that is currently ill-defined and mentally taxing.
A.MaizeanemptytextllineA low-cost community grain dryer designed for simplicity and easy maintenance in remote areas. This dryer provides subsistence farmers in Sierra Leone the ability to add an additional crop cycle during the year, making farming a secure and reliable source of income.
LiftanemptytextllineA highly affordable carrying product to replace the traditional head-carrying method. It enables physically overworked women, living in remote agriculture communities, to transport heavy items over long distances and tough terrains.
inVent Crop StorageanemptytextllineAn onion storage solution for smallholder farmers in Kenya that enables to store onions with low losses for over two months, allowing the farmers to sell at higher prices.
FootworksanemptytextllineA suite of interactive educational tools designed to teach parents of children with clubfoot about the importance of adhering to the treatment process.
Rare ColombiaanemptytextllineAn awareness campaign and tracking tools for composting aimed to increase compost usage and improving soil health in rural Colombia farming communities.
Tierra-CultivateanemptytextllineAn easy to use applicator for large volumes of organic bio fertilization that improves soil health and reduces organic fertilization costs for rural farmers in Mexico.
SeedSaloneanemptytextllineA simple, low labor, rolling no-till planter that enables smallholder farmers to plant more acreage with no-till methods and increase yields in Sierra Leone.
enROOTanemptytextllineA portable, fast, and easy to use mass packing seedling machine for improving reforestation techniques with community nurseries in rural Uganda.
SunFilteranemptytextllineSunFilter is a low cost and easy to use solar-powered water purification solution that brings clean drinking water to rural households in low resource settings.
ModroofanemptytextllineEnabling low-income city residents in India to pursue their professional goals.
EYE-dentifyanemptytextllineEYE-dentify is an innovative wearable device to track patients in high-volume surgical cataract campaigns in Ghana.
AlTeFianemptytextllineAltefy is a web portal/app that facilitates tele orthodontics for patients with cleft palate working with Smile Train. This software increases accessibility to care and reduces the financial burden of time consuming trips to the orthodontics office.
ReferlyanemptytextllineReferly is a re-designed, streamlined process for increasing access to remote care for vulnerable patient populations at the 3M general surgery clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. Vulnerable patients face barriers to accessing healthcare, including lost wages, childcare costs, and lack of transportation. After they arrive at the clinic, they face long wait times. Ultimately, ~50% of patients who present for consultation either do not need surgery or are currently poor candidates for surgery. Referly is a structured referral process for rapidly identifying patients who are currently poor surgical candidates and can be seen remotely, respecting patients' time and improving clinic efficiency.
Ever Forward Club: Taking off the Mask BoxanemptytextllineA kit that repackages the EverForward successful workshop into a set of materials that schools can purchase and use to facilitate the workshop independently of personalilzed instruction - allowing EverForward to scale its reach within its current resourcing and expand its revenue streams.
b.homeanemptytextllineA tool that allows clients in transitional housing to check in for the evening without having anyone enter their rooms - providing staff members' more time and clients more autonomy and privacy.
NestWellanemptytextllineA home design product focused on fall prevention to help individuals aging independently moving into Medicare (~65) easily visualize an upgraded home that looks better and feels safer, without the hassle of the invasive / impersonal status quo home assessment.
RecidivizanemptytextllineA tool that gives prosecutors a way to track their own diversion outcomes, easily digest information on optimal diversion options for defendants (especially those that have committed nonviolent offenses) and ultimately empowers prosecutors to choose diversion and decrease unnecessary incarceration.
Joint Venture Silicon ValleyanemptytextllineA detailed, end-to-end process that brings donated food to residents of affordable housing communities in the Bay Area, via on-site fridges.
Just ADUsanemptytextllineAn online platform that provides the community with crowdsourced ADU (Accessible Dwelling Unit) examples that can help inspire and educate homeowners about the ADU building process - hopefully aiding in the path to more affordable housing in the Bay Area.
CanAIRyanemptytextllineCanAIRy is a simple innovative tool to help parents of children with Asthma improve their indoor air quality.
HIP HousinganemptytextllineA caller database tool that allows HIP Housing staff to easily keep track of callers seeking housing, assign them to a consistent point of contact, and send automated reminders to staff members to follow up with referrals. The database also allows HIP Housing to view automated reports on its referral activities, tracking the type of resources that callers most need and the success of these calls.
The Day Worker Center of Mountain View Textbotanemptytextllinea TextBot solution that will help eliminate up to 50 check-in calls from workers/day at the Day Workers Center of Mountain View, resulting in a more efficient and effective process of collecting availability and COVID exposure information
Optimizing Food Distributionanemptytextllinea tool that helps to increase communication and inventory transparency which allows families to have agency over their interactions with EHP
WheelOYDCanemptytextllinea seamless transportation experience for elementary and middle school students enrolled in the East Oakland Youth Development Center's after-school program. The service design supports busy parents and encourages continued attendance in EOYDC's empowering programming.
Refkitanemptytextllinea personalized marketing and outreach referral toolkit that helps organizations better connect with potential program participants.
Pivotal Alumni Networkanemptytextllinea multifaceted solution which aims to build community earlier in the Pivotal Now program for foster youth between scholars, alumni and support alumni after graduating.
UC Pathwaysanemptytextllinea Notion page which consolidates information for the Stiles Hall community.
Super Sproutsanemptytextllinean at-home gardening experience for elementary school kids which provides direct links to Valley Verde, a non-profit that trains multi-ethnic, under-resourced families on how to grow their own food.
Hope Health Mobileanemptytextllinea project designed to provide health and hygiene services to the unhoused community by empowering local professionals who want to donate their time to their community but don’t have an avenue to do so.