Expo 2024
We partnered with communities across Costa Rica to address systemic challenges to community flourishing
Check out the project briefs to get a glimpse of their Extreme Journey and learn about what they’ve co-designed with their partner & community.
Our Class in 2024
32 students
8 multidisciplinary teams
8 social impact organizations
1 country
costa rica

Guiding Explorations in 2024
“Planning as an act of care”
Our students were guided by questions considering ‘how we might conduct our planning with care & intention?’
Translating care into the details of how we show up for our partners, team, and projects is critical in our process. In Extreme, we start with understanding the socio-political histories & building awareness of history, so that we can be intentional with our efforts. Our partners & communities are giving their valuable time & energy to spend with us. Choose to show up with intention & reciprocity in our CARE for each other.
“Action = Accountability”
Our teams are guided by questions considering ‘how might we hold ourselves accountable to the actions we commit?’
As our partners & communities have taken the time to share their stories, challenges, & journeys with us, we want to ensure that we are not extractive. It’s critical that we honor their trust by following through with tangible action.
“The relationship is the project”
Our projects are guided by considering ‘how we might hold relationships with trust, joy, and connection?’
Design starts with you! In Extreme, we emphasize the importance of deepening our awareness of ourselves. How we make decisions is critical to the power we hold as designers. We need to share this power by creating with diverse teams & communities. Most importantly, we need to focus on nurturing authentic relationships with those we are in community with, so that we CENTER their voices throughout our time together.
Extreme 2024 Projects
Connecting Hikers WITH Talented Artisans Along El Camino de Costa Rica
Team Con Flores: Eugénie, Mario, Mark & Mary
Partner: Asociación Mar a Mar
Community: Barbilla Nairi Awari, Limon
Conexiones Florecientes or ConFlores, enables artisans to flourish through tourist connections. This initiative celebrates the local community by curating their handcrafted products into beautiful pouches that bring the camino to life for tourists moving through the trail. ConFlores ensures that artisans receive a stable and sustainable income.
Amplifying Youth’s Collective Voice in Nosara
Team Nosara Youth Council: Courtney, Nathan, Sakshi & Skylar
Partner: Biblioteca David Kitson
Community: Nosara, Guanacaste
The Nosara Youth Council believes that teens have the power to shape the future of Nosara. This teen-led group will develop leadership and communication skills through hands-on mentorship while also organizing and participating in fun and impactful programs for the wider youth community!
Reciclagua: Home Water Recycling in Boruca
Team Reciclagua: Anika, Jinho, Jourdin & Megan
Partner: Diwo Ambiental
Community: Boruca, Puntarenas
Reciclagua: Diwo Ambiental's greywater recycling project is an education program and experience for the water-scarce community of Boruca. With climate change limiting water supply and access, tired families are left to source and transport their own water, across many miles and hours each day. Grounded in the Borucan pride and commitment to sustainability and ecosystem restoration, our program incites and enables the community to have more autonomy over their water use, and practice behaviors that sustain the interdependent wellbeing of community and nature!
Equitable Access to Prosthesis Care for Tico Amputees
Team Sobré Biónica: Josué, Maritha, Sonia & Varun
Partner: Fundación Biónica
Community: San José Central
Fundación Biónica is a non-profit organization that provides affordable 3D-printed prostheses to low-income patients in Costa Rica. However, for many patients, the appointments for getting the prosthesis are time and resource-consuming. We present Sobre Biónica, a remote measurement kit that includes measurement tools as well as written and video instructions. This solution will help patients provide accurate measurements for their prostheses from the comfort of their homes.
Powering Youth of Cobano, Amplifying Opportunities
Team La Tripleta: Davey, Fatma, Neha & Toshi
Partner: Fútbol x Mi País
Community: Cobano, Puntarenas
La Tripleta is a program designed for teenagers (14-17 years old) in Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica to enable them to Dream, Inspire and Act for their future aspirations. Through a comprehensive solution, and building off of FxP’s current successful programming for young people of all ages, La Tripleta will support the next phase of participants’ flourishing through custom-tailored skills building, personal life skills development, and much more.
Seeds of Flourishing for Artisans of La Carpio
Team Entrecosturas: Arusha, Lizzie, Natia & Walter
Partner: SIFAIS
Community: La Carpio, San Jose
Selling through Storytelling: Our solution builds a digital footprint for EntreCosturas to decrease the frictions in the customer acquisition process to generate increased revenue which will ultimately create more economic opportunities for artisans in La Carpio. Our solution captures the narratives of the artisans and amplifies their voices and their connections to handmade products sold on a curated e-commerce website.
Expanding Horizons of Bahia Ballena Youth
Team VERA: Angel, Becca, Grace & Pranay
Partner: SOMOS
Community: Uvita, Puntarenas
VERA: Visión Ecológica de la Recreación y el Aprendizaje enriches children's lives in Uvita through immersive environmental education and hands-on field trips. The program aims to inspire as it fosters an understanding of local ecosystems, promotes conservation, and engages students in scientific inquiry and cultural appreciation.
Empowering Girl Teenagers Through Mentorship in Los Guidos
Team Soy Hermana: Ian, Marielle, Monica & Reilly
Partner: Soy Niña
Community: Los Guidos, San Jose
Soy Niña empowers girls aged 6-18 living near San Jose, Costa Rica to break cycles of gender-based violence through attending weekly life skills clubs. We are introducing Soy Hermana, a complementary program that matches 14–18-year-old Soy Niña girls with a “big sister” mentor as they prepare to graduate. The pairs will meet 1-2x monthly for low-cost social activities and mentorship.
Extreme Expo 2024 Livestream
Watch the recording of the live stream to experience our evening of celebration, joy and dancing. Expo is the culminating event for showcasing our student's’ work towards collective impact. The livestream was especially created for our partners across Costa Rica and our ecosystem of Coaches (geographically spread out across the globe), and the extended Extreme Community.

Thank You!
Thank you to our incredible partners, coaches, alumni, friends, families, & the inspiring communities we work with.