Current Extreme NewsPost-Extreme Lab: Social E LabYear: 2020

Introducing our 2020 Social E Lab Teams

Although summer signals the end for many classes at Stanford, Design for Extreme Affordability rolls right into our Social Entrepreneurship Lab or Social E Lab. The Social E Lab provides funding, space, and mentorship over the summer as the student teams take project’s prototyping and testing to the next level. Social E Lab will be a bit different this year, as they will not be able to visit their users in country to test prototypes, but our students are quickly becoming experts at conducting remote research. 

This year we have 21 students distributed over six teams participating in Social E. The teams include:

  • AlTeFi is working on cell-phone based software for parents of children recovering from cleft palate in Colombia in partnership with the international cleft-palate non-profit, Smile Train. The team includes Amnahir Pena-Alcantara, Olga Saadi, Thomas Froger Silva, Zoe Mhungu, and Gabby Macias. 
  • Tierra Cultivate is prototyping a hydroponic fodder growing system for low-income farmers in Mexico in partnership with The team includes Kenzie Roan, Matilda Nickell, and Sebastian Schneider. 
  • Eye-dentify is helping create a more efficient and less stressful system for doctors in Ghana to treat patients at high-volume eye surgery campaigns in partnership with the Himalayan Cataract Project. The team includes Aishwarya Venkatramani, Manali Kulkarni, and Radwa Hamed.
  • Project EnRoot is creating a portable, fast, and easy to use mass packing seedling machine for improving reforestation techniques with community nurseries in rural Uganda in partnership with Kijani Forestry. The team includes Jack Boland, Jackie Ennis, Matthew Milner, and McKinley McQuaide. 
  • Sun Filter is prototyping a low cost and easy to use solar-powered water purification solution that brings clean drinking water to rural households in low resource settings in Kenya in partnership with BBOXX. The team includes Nicole Gonzalez, Robert Kasse, Roy Ombatti, Sarah Frandsen, and Sebastian Schneider. 
  • WrapApp is an app that is used by caseworkers at the Wraparound Project to reduce violent injury in San Francisco by improving communications between victims of violence and their case managers via a hospital-based intervention program in partnership with the Better Lab. Adrienne Baer is leading this project.  

Students in Social E Lab 2020 represent Bioengineering, Business, Chemistry, Community Health and Prevention, Engineering, Environmental Systems, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Product Design, Psychology, Sustainability and Symbolic Systems.